
Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog Comment Help

Others may have this same problem, so I shot a video of my fix. Have you ever tried to make a comment on a blog post, but the captcha code box was partly hidden so you couldn't submit it? Well if you have, watch

USA Only Ads

I am looking for places to run inexpensive online advertising that targets USA prospects only. So far I have had good luck with Clixsense and Neobux, but tried several other paid to read email programs with poor results if any. If you have actually used any that provided good results, please leave me a comment here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Link Referral Contacts

Sometimes using Traffic Exchanges is all you have, but a step up from there is Link Referral. Instead of everyone madly clicking for credits to have their website seen, it slows down the pace a little by trading reviews of the websites and offers some interaction which can lead to actual contacts to build relationships with.

One added technique I use is this blog. While looking through the 30 websites as I do each day, if I come across another Blogger website I can leave a worthwhile comment and get a link back here automatically. Then if they get curious and pay me a visit, I have a chance to provide more than just banners and links, which opens the door to further interaction. Make sense?

So check out yourself and see what you think. Visit 30 websites, review 5 of them, make one a favorite and post to the forum to get high in the listings for best results.

See you online!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Does Advertising Pay?

Most people I talk to about paying for advertising PTC (Paid To Click) websites think it's crazy and for the short view it's probably true. Getting paid a penny a click even for 100 referrals, if it costs you a dollar or two each to get them can meet with a sinking feeling in your stomach if they quit soon, like many will.

But running ads for Fusioncash is another story. I ran a 500 click ad today for a penny a click. Not only did it result in 8 new referrals, but 4 of them earned me a $1 bonus with the potential of even more in the near future.

So do the math. A 500 click ad costs $6 (I earned mine free) and I earned $4 back TODAY. If ONE of those completes an offer on the website (which earns me another $2 bonus), I break even and I would say the odds are in my favor. If even one goes on to cashout in a few months, I made $8 from them with another $5 every time they do it again.

Guess what, I bought another paid ad today for the same page on another network. The key is, I target USA members only, so they are qualified prospects.

Let me know in the comments what you think?