
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WOW! This is still here?

OK, so I am not a real blogger or I would post more often!

I was doing a search for my name today and noticed it was one of the few results that are pushing the Ripoff Report some jerk did on me lower on the list. It is so obvious it's a troll that posted it that I shouldn't worry, but it still bothers me. Yes I tried finding ways to get it removed, but it's not worth $2,000 to me. I'm just going to work on pushing it off the first page.

Anyhow, things are still going well and I am still online every day. My latest craze is joining the let's build a list and make some money crowd and I have to admit, it's a lot of fun. I even created a few of my own Digital Information products and actually sold a few.

I will try to get back here more often, now that I have a good reason to do it.

See you online!