
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interesting Blog

While I surf other blogs, I always have my eye out for interesting content that can help anyone trying to promote their own blog. I found one just this morning if you might be interested, I thought he had several good ideas there.

How you can get easy traffic by linking to Brandon Connell

Friday, May 21, 2010

Anti-Malware 2010

I have heard from a few others that have seen this show up and decided to share my experience too. I was infected a few weeks ago and had to resort to reformatting my system and installing everything over again, a painful process as some of you know all too well.

It shows up as a warning message that you have Malware discovered on your computer and they need to do a scan, which of course scares the bejabbers out of you when they come up with loads of garbage showing your machine is completely taken over and the only way out is to send them money. DON'T DO IT!!

The truth is they will just continue to milk you and not fix a thing.
You can try to learn about it HERE, but I ended up reformatting.

After I got that Windows computer all cleaned up, I started using Ubuntu Linux (most recently Linux Mint) and have not had a problem since. Oh I still see the warning and scan screens, but since I am not on Windows they can't get in.

You can get a CD to run it without changing anything else, install it as a dual boot with Windows, or just put it on another computer like I did. It's real handy to have a second system at times anyway. Now anytime I do surfing duties online, I use the Linux computer to be safe. Don't fool yourself into thinking you can protect yourself with software, the bad guys are getting too aggressive for that.

I have played around with Linux for years, but this one is so simple anyone can use it.

See you online!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 Free or Low Cost Business Resources

I know at times it seems like surfing blogs is just an exercise in futility, but once in a while a real gem shows up. I found this blog entry yesterday and for me, it made the whole exercise worthwhile. See what you think.
10 Free or Low Cost Business Resources

Posted using ShareThis

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Link Referral Directory

One of the best ways to increase your EntreCard credits is by getting referrals. An easy place to accomplish that is on the free Link Referral Directory, where you can easily find other bloggers that might be interested in more traffic. Just make sure your drop widget is in a prime location on your blog (upper left corner is best) to stimulate curiosity and let it do the job for you. In the meantime, you are expanding your contacts and leaving more comments. I still think interaction is the key to making money online and this is one of the best deals around to maximize your time invested in doing it.

To go even further, use the search function to find blogs to visit and it will send an email telling how they were found. So just make sure your description gets you a top listing for that search term and when curiosity brings them to type it in, you will be there. I assure you, this works.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, as there are many more strategies that work well there. The basic task is to visit 30 websites, review 5 of them and make one a favorite. Then make at least one contributory post in their forum to get a high listing in your chosen category. The whole job can be done in as little as 15 minutes a day and you will see more traffic every day you do this.

Click Here to Get Started

See you over there!