It should be obvious that anyone with a desire to earn extra income online needs a constant flow of prospective partners to share information with, in order to have even a remote chance of reaching their goal.
Even if you have free information to give away (as mentioned in an earlier post), you still need to have someone to give it to and the higher their interest level, the greater the odds are that you can meet on a common level.
Sure there are hoards of free advertising venues out there, but have you found many that have at least double digit success at making these connections? Well I have and it's also fun to use.
The information on the page I am inviting you to consider may sound like hype to some, but I assure you it's all true and you can prove it to yourself with no cost ever. That's right, there are no fees to join and no fees later on either. See for yourself by Clicking Here
See you on the inside!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Making Connections
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Where to Start?
A lot of newer Internet Money Makers spend way too much time just wandering around with no real sense of direction, so they delay getting to the point where the income they earn is enough to keep them excited about their success.
There is a way to get around that barrier to entry and do it for free!
Sign up for a free account with Resell Rights Weekly and start READING the topics that will help you learn what you need to advance. Very quickly, you will be able to put your new found knowledge into practice and can start sharing what you did with others, who are searching for the same reason you were.
That's the real path to the money online, Learn, Do and then Share!
So here is a plan to try:
Get a free blog (like this one) and start writing about your adventure. Don't copy anyone, just share what you learned by reading the free material you found interesting.
Read a few ebooks on getting traffic and apply them to your new Blog.
Don't plaster it with advertising and drive people away, but have at least one link somewhere that can further your agenda without pushing it. For instance, show them a way to find the help they seek, while it helps both of you.
Then Wash, Rinse and Repeat.
It's really that simple and it works.
See you at the BANK!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
WOW! This is still here?
OK, so I am not a real blogger or I would post more often!
I was doing a search for my name today and noticed it was one of the few results that are pushing the Ripoff Report some jerk did on me lower on the list. It is so obvious it's a troll that posted it that I shouldn't worry, but it still bothers me. Yes I tried finding ways to get it removed, but it's not worth $2,000 to me. I'm just going to work on pushing it off the first page.
Anyhow, things are still going well and I am still online every day. My latest craze is joining the let's build a list and make some money crowd and I have to admit, it's a lot of fun. I even created a few of my own Digital Information products and actually sold a few.
I will try to get back here more often, now that I have a good reason to do it.
See you online!